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35 Contoh Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawabannya! – 35 Contoh Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawabannya!. Halo, Sobat SoalBahasaInggris! Apa kabar hari ini? Semoga kalian dalam keadaan sehat dan siap untuk menaklukkan tantangan belajar! Menguasai bahasa Inggris itu seperti menemukan kunci rahasia untuk membuka peluang besar, mulai dari pendidikan, karier, hingga pengalaman seru menjelajah dunia.

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, kami dari SoalBahasaInggris ingin berbagi Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris jadi lebih seru dan mudah: 35 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya” adalah panduan lengkap yang dirancang untuk membantu siapa saja, mulai dari pemula hingga tingkat lanjutan, menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan cara praktis dan menyenangkan. Siap untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris? Yuk, mulai sekarang!!

35 Contoh Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A. Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama

sekolah menengah pertama

  1. Joko Widodo ___ born in Surakarta.
    a. are
    b. is
    c. has
    d. was
  2. Listen! Somebody ___ a beautiful song.
    a. sing
    b. singing
    c. Is sing
    d. is singing
  3. When the phone rang, Sania ___ message.
    a. was writing
    b. has written
    c. is writing
    d. has been writing
  4. Budi is very stressed. He ___ hard work.
    a.  don’t like
    b. doesn’t like
    c. didn’t like
    d. not like
  5. By next December, I ___ received my promotion.
    a. will
    b. be will
    c. will has
    d. will have
  6. Micheel ___ always held allure for travelers from around the world.
    a. has
    b. has been
    c. have
    d. had
  7. I did not have any money because I ___ lost it.
    a. have
    b. had
    c. had been
    d. has
  8. Tina : what___ at 7 o’clock last Sunday morning?

    Sania : I was in bed asleep.
    a. do you do
    b. does you doing
    c. did you doing
    d. were you doing

  9. When they arrive at the concert, the audience ___ been cheering for an hour.
    a. will have
    b. have
    c. had
    d. has
  10. Iam ___ a car to solo.
    a. driving
    b. drive
    c. drove
    d. driven

B. Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama

  1. Tina ___ English well.
    a. speaks
    b. speak
    c. is
    d. will
  2. They are ___ to Palembang by train next day.
    a. go
    b. going
    c. gone
    d. will
  3. They ___ plying volleyball all day yesterday.
    a. is
    b. are
    c. was
    d. had
  4. The party ___ at 11.00 p.m.
    a. started
    b. start
    c. is
    d. was
  5. Tina ___ a book today.
    a. read
    b. reads
    c. reading
    d. had reading
  6. they ___ school justnow.
    a. are going
    b. are go
    c. had going
    d. will
  7. When budi came last week, the cake ___ run out
    a. had
    b. is
    c. has
    d. are
  8. I ___ win the a competition.
    a. will
    b. had
    c. has
    d. would
  9. The alarm ___ buzzing loudly for hours.
    a. has been
    b. has
    c. had
    d. is
  10. The committee ___ the project before the CEO approved it.
    a. had been discussed
    b. had been discussing
    c. discuss
    d. was discussed

C. Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama

sekolah menengah pertama

  1. She will ___ at 08.00 p.m.
    a.  sleep
    b. a sleeping
    c. is sleeping
    d. be sleeping
  2. I ___ English.
    a. study
    b. am
    c. is
    d. a
  3. My family ___ in bandung for two years.
    a. have lived
    b. live
    c. lives
    d. was
  4. I ___ a new book yesterday.
    a. bought
    b. buy
    c. buying
    d. had buying
  5. Toni would ___ you.
    a. forgive
    b. forgave
    c. forgiven
    d. forgiving
  6. Inul ___ singing a dangdut song.
    a. is
    b. are
    c. was
    d. were
  7. Sania would ___ working at seven o’clock this night.
    a. be
    b. been
    c. is
    d. has
  8. Sania would ___ working at seven o’clock this night.
    a. be
    b. been
    c. is
    d. has
  9. They ___  a new product yesterday.
    a. launched
    b. are launch
    c. was launch
    d. had launch
  10. His first pen ___ 
    a. will be launched
    b. is launched
    c. was launched
    d. would be launched

D. Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama

sekolah menengah pertama

  1. Sania ___ crying.
    a. is
    b. are
    c. was
    d. were
  2. The guests had left ___ we arrived at the party.
    a. before
    b. and
    c. between
    d. this
  3. Sania ___ that she eats fried rice.
    a. say
    b. says
    c. saying
    d. be say
  4. I___ hard.
    a. work
    b. works
    c. working
    d. worked
  5. sania said that she would ___ in Ganesa on Saturday.
    a. been
    b. be
    c. is
    d. has

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