pertanyaan bahasa inggris seputar soal tes cpns

25 Pertanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS 2023 – 25 Pertanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS 2023. Hai-hai para pejuang tes CPNS 2023 apa kabarnya nih ? semoga kalian selalu dalam keadaan sehat selalu dan terus diberikan semangat dan motivasi untuk mengerjakan latihan soal-soal tes CPNS 2023 nya ya.

Pada kesempatan ini kami dari soalbahasainggris ingin berbagi artikel tentang 25 pertanyaan bahasa Inggris seputar soal tes cpns 2023. Oleh karena itu marilah kita simak bersama-sama untuk penjelasannya berikut ini ya.

25 Pertanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS

A. Pertyanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS 2023

pertanyaan bahasa inggris seputar soal tes cpns

  1. She is …. London serveral times. 
    a). visited
    b). visiting
    c). visit
  2. …. you lived here since 2021 ? 
    a). did
    b). do
    c). have
  3. I have … my cat just now. 
    a). founded
    b). found
    c). finding
  4. Fish … smashed me just now. 
    a). did
    b). has
    c). have
  5. Usually, the often … football here last month. 
    a). plays
    b). playing
    c). played
  6. …. Ana and Ani here with you awhile ago ? 
    a). are
    b). were
    c). did
  7. We … a movie just now. 
    a). watch
    b). watched
    c). watching
  8. Tom and Jerry …. my favourite cartoon when a child. 
    a). were
    b). are
    c). was
  9. She …. happy right now. 
    a). is feeling
    b). feels
    c). felt
  10. My friends …. studying hard yesterday. 
    a). didn’t
    b). haven’t
    c). weren’t

Baca juga : Pertanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS Tahun 2021

B. Pertyanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS 2023

pertanyaan bahasa inggris seputar soal tes cpns

  1. We … a doctor in the hospital now. 
    a). see
    b). are seeing
    c). sees
  2. She … a loud noise now. 
    a). is hearing
    b). hears
    c). hear
  3. They still … to their lecturer now. 
    a). listen
    b). are listening
    c). listened
  4. We or she always …. English everyday. 
    a). speak
    b). speaks
    c). speaking
  5. …. She with you always speak English ? 
    a). do
    b). does
    c). has
  6. My kids absolutely … with me tomorrow. 
    a). will
    b). come
    c). comes
  7. She and he … now 
    a). eats
    b). eating
    c). eat
  8. You or he …. a lot of work to do. 
    a). have
    b). has
    c). having
  9. The president …. arrive tomorrow. 
    a). could
    b). will
    c). is going to
  10. My parents … visit UK next week.
    a). have
    b). were going to
    c). are to

C. Pertyanyaan Bahasa Inggris Seputar Soal Tes CPNS 2023

pertanyaan bahasa inggris seputar soal tes cpns

  1. We …. leave tomorrow morning. 
    a). are
    b). have
    c). shall
  2. They have bought a movie ticket so they … watch tonight. 
    a). will
    b). shall
    c). are going to
  3. I still go to the school .. the rain. 
    a). though
    b). although
    c). despite
  4. I still go to campus … it’s snowing 
    a). even though
    b). despite
    c). in spite of
  5. I will eat rice … I’m not hungry. 
    a). despite
    b). in spite of
    c). although

Baca juga : pertanyaan bahasa Inggris seputar soal tes cpns

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